The Education Continues

Turning 30 is inching closer and closer. Some days I definitely feel more wise, and others, I realize I still have a lot to learn. The last few months have taught me some valuable lessons. I’ve learned:

  • There are mean, crazy, ruthless people in this world (AKA – lady who bought our condo that sued us)
  • There are a LOT of educated, qualified people looking for jobs
  • I love my husband more than I ever knew I could
  • Working out does really make one feel better
  • Claiming “0” and “Married” on your W-4 doesn’t ensure you have enough income tax being withheld
  • Just because parents tell their kids to behave a certain way doesn’t mean the parents have to follow the same rules
  • I can go more than two months without buying anything besides the basics (and some good wine / beer – but that doesn’t count)

About a month ago I posted on Facebook that the “curveballs just keep coming.” That’s how it’s felt lately. While said “curveballs” aren’t life-threatening or Earth-shattering, they are those annoying thorns in the side, or even road blocks to moving forward financially, professionally and emotionally.

I know in my head that I have an amazing life, that I’m blessed beyond what I deserve and am so lucky to love and be loved. Yet, if my job, or finances, or family relationships aren’t “where I expect them to be,” I get down in the dumps, and sad in my heart. The simplest things were making me cry – and that is not how I want to live my life.

It started to feel like I only had negative stories to share when visiting with friends – and who wants to hear that stuff? Everyone has shit in their life. On the other hand, I’m not a good liar. If someone asks me “how are you?” I won’t lie and say “great.” I’ll say “fine” or “eh.”  But I don’t want to be that person, a “Debbie Downer.” Womp, womp.

I want to be someone who people like to be around – someone who is upbeat, fun and engaging. I’ve taken little steps to help set that into motion. For example, I’ve written little reminders on sticky notes like “I am thankful for…” or “Decide to be happy – Smile Today!” and “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.” These things help. So do walks in the evenings with my husband. Now that it stays lighter longer, we can get in a few laps around the neighborhood, while we share updates about our respective days at work (or talk about the places we hope to travel, or how the people with the periwinkle house have poor taste in paint). I cherish those times more than I think he knows.

Despite the curveballs and the lessons learned, I feel like I’m finally turning a corner. I’m learning how to manage my stress better and how to have more fun. There’s nothing like a good laugh or a day filled with child-like joy, and The Color Run was a perfect example of this.  Running through “color stations” at each kilometer’s checkpoint, where volunteers throw colored powder at you, was more fun that I could have imagined.  My husband and I, along with another couple, participated in race in Irvine, CA a few weeks ago – and we’ll definitely be doing it again next year!

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